When the order has been returned within the 14 days return policy and the products are still originally packed from the supplier we are able to make an refund. The returned product has to fulfill the return policy 100%. If you get a damaged product please contact support@dreaminfolks.com for further instructions.
Refunds may take up to 14 workdays to be dispatched on your payment method.
If you haven’t received your refund in the 14 workdays please contact our support: support@dreaminfolks.com

Note to EU consumers: According to Article 16 (c) and (e) of Directive 2011/83 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights, you cannot be offered a right of withdrawal for:

1. the delivery of goods that are manufactured according to the consumer's specifications or that are clearly personalized.

2. Sealed goods whose seal was broken after delivery and which are therefore unsuitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene.